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full spectrum ™ hair color
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상세설명 보기

We Dare You to Try
Aveda Full Spectrum™ Hair Color
Up to 99% Naturally Derived*

  • Up to 99% naturally derived* with a signature blend of protective plant oils including sunflower, castor and jojoba oils infusing the hair with amazing shine for essentially damage-free results.

  • Irresistible colors, full of shine that resist fading.

  • Our fade-resistant color is created with an environmental and social conscience that you can feel good about using plant power instead of petrochemicals.

Read more about Aveda's naturally derived hair color.

Ready for new color now
Tap into your dream hair with My Aveda Makeover where you can try-on Full Spectrum color virtually and find a new shade that looks best on you. Ready for new color now? Find an Aveda salon near you.

    *From plants and non-petroleum minerals.
    상세설명 보기
    We Dare You to Try
    Aveda Full Spectrum™ Hair Color
    Up to 99% Naturally Derived*

    • Up to 99% naturally derived* with a signature blend of protective plant oils including sunflower, castor and jojoba oils infusing the hair with amazing shine for essentially damage-free results.

    • Irresistible colors, full of shine that resist fading.

    • Our fade-resistant color is created with an environmental and social conscience that you can feel good about using plant power instead of petrochemicals.

    Read more about Aveda's naturally derived hair color.

    Ready for new color now
    Tap into your dream hair with My Aveda Makeover where you can try-on Full Spectrum color virtually and find a new shade that looks best on you. Ready for new color now? Find an Aveda salon near you.

      *From plants and non-petroleum minerals.

      아베다의 미션

      강력한 식물의 힘. 지속성을 위한 노력.

      1당사의 모든 제품은 재생 가능한 재생 에너지 크레딧 및 탄소 오프셋을 통해 100% 풍력 및 태양열로 제조됩니다.
      2021년 말까지 아베다 주요 제조 시설에서 UL 방식을 사용하여 매립지까지 폐기물 매립 제로 실버등급 인증 획득을 위해 노력하고 있습니다.
      2아베다의 스킨 케어 및 헤어 스타일링 제품의 페트 바틀과 Jar 용기 중 95% 이상이 100% 재활용된 페트 재질로
      구성 되어 있습니다. 아베다는 뷰티 업계 최초로 재활용 된 패트 재질 100%로 조성된 재질의 패키지를 사용하고 있습니다.
      3ISO16128에 따른 단순 계산 결과로 식약처 기준에 따른 '천연화장품'에 해당한다는 의미 아님. 아베다 헤어케어 제품 기준 천연유래지수 평균 값을 나타냄.


